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He Is Risen & Waiting on You!

Jesus is not here for HE is risen!! Hallelujah! Praise God! Amen! On this Easter Day, we celebrate our Risen Lord! People wait in line just to see where he was laid those 3 days he was in the tomb. Just to know you stand where he physically stood and laid at one time. You can get even closer than that by drawing near to and seeking him! He said "seek me and you will find me"...."knock and the door shall be opened to you." He's just a prayer away!! He hears you when you talk to him even if you don't feel like it.

He told me to tell you, "I'm here waiting on you to take the first step and then see if I won't open the windows of heaven to and upon you!! I want to talk with you and use you to teach others for me. Know me and make me known!! Time is short! I'm coming soon!" Thank you Jesus for this word from you today! We receive it but we must act upon it because even the devil belives...thank you Jesus for dying on the cross for me and taking my sin & sickness upon you on the cross! You died and rose again so I can be FREE, HEALED and made WHOLE!!!

Note: I shared this on my personal facebook page on April 12, 2020 (Easter Sunday). I am adding here so that when my site goes live, the message is available for future reading.

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