I have always been taught in church that the Lord ALWAYS answers when we pray by saying one of three things: YES, NO, or NOT NOW. But I recently ran across some verses that the Lord said, "new revelation Nikki. Did you know there are times when I do not answer a prayer at all?" I said "no" and here is what he gave me.
Proverbs 21:2 says "People may be right in their own eyes, but the Lord examines the heart."
Psalms 35:12 says "And when they cry out, God does not answer because of their PRIDE."
These two verses speak for themselves. The Lord has said HIS word, the Bible, has always been with us but in these days and the days ahead...new revelation we haven't seen before because our eyes have been blinded by the enemy is coming forth! Lord lift the scales off of our eyes!!!
I pray the KEYS to the unlocking of our freedom come forth through divine revelation of those who press in for more of you Lord!!!
I cast off any Spirit of Haughtiness and Pride in Jesus name that is one anyone who reads this!! I pray the eyes of their understanding be opened in Jesus name to the Truth about their life so Freedom can reign in them and they will get answers to their prayers!!!
Search yourself and ask the Lord if there is any pride in you. If he reveals any, repent and lay that sin at the foot of the cross never to be remembered again. Then, go forth and do what the Lord tells you to do!